
{ Rafa Lie 4 Anos & Juju Aya 1 Ano }

Tive o privilégio de fechar meus trabalhos de 2014 com essa festa maravilhosa que a mamãe Karen organizou para suas princess Rafa Lie e Juju Aya. Já era de se esperar uma festança linda com muita atenção aos detalhes e uma decoração impecável. Como a festa tinha muitos convidados, eu chamei a minha querida amiga Silvia Martins para fotografar comigo. Foi tudo perfeito e as fotos da Silvia arrasaram!

A Concept Party cuidou da decoração e como sempre, a Paula da DearSweet Cookies  forneceu os lindos cookies personalizados e deliciosos. Para deixar a festa ainda mais deliciosa, a Karen chamou o pessoal da Oh My Milkshakes e a linda kombi turquesa deles ficou estacionada na frente do buffet servindo a todos os convidados da festa! O evento ainda teve um lindo atelier de arte da Panda Pink Studio para as crianças montarem calendários de scrap com papelaria personalizada da Rafinha e Juju e também tinha a Tia Sushi lá fazendo os penteados e maquiagem das princesas!

E para finalizar ainda presentearam as aniversariantes e seus convidados com um teatro das Princesas Cinderela, Rapunzel, Ariel, e a Ana e Elsa do Frozen!

Tudo muito lindo!!! Vou parar de falar pois neste post não consegui selecionar menos do que isso tudo de fotos! Prepare-se…. rsrsrs

Muito obrigada Karen e Celso pelo carinho e confiança de sempre! Desejo às suas princesas tudo de melhor que a vida possa lhes dar e que elas continuem crescendo com muita saúde e felizes!


I had the privilege to end 2014 with this amazing party that Rafa & Juju’s mom, Karen, carefully organized for them! As it was already expected, it was a huge party, beautiful, a lot of attention to detail and impeccable decoration. Since this was a party for many guests, I invited my dear friend Silvia Martins to photograph with me. Everything went great and her photos turned out fantastic!

Concept Party took care of the details and decoration and as usual, Paula from DearSweet Cookies  provided the beautiful and delicious personalized cookies. To make the party even more delicious, Karen asked  Oh My Milkshakes food truck to stop by and serve milkshakes to all guests during the whole period of the party! The event still had a great crafts stand by Panda Pink Studio so the kids could make calendars out of personalized paper made especially for Rafa and Juju. Another attraction was Tia Sushi who was responsible for making awesome hair dos and make up for all the little princesses!

As if this wasn’t enough, at the end there was a show by the princesses Cinderela, Rapunzel, Ariel, and Frozen sisters Ana and Elsa! Just amazing!

Everything was beautifully organized!!! But I guess I’ll stop talking and let you see the photos since this is a long post… I couldn’t select less than this amount of photos! So get ready…. hehehe

Thanks Karen and Celso for your trust and for being so nice and sweet to me as always! I wish your 2 princesses all the very best life can give them and that they keep growing up very healthy and happy!

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